Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

6th Post: Shin megami academy

The school with the "demon summoning" facility, students can summon one or more legendary demon
such as "orochi,garuda,izanagi,jack frost,and even Thor" anytime,but the range is only in school's area

The demon's power is based on the student's score in every lesson, and the classes are divided into 6 rooms with different rank and facilities

Room A: a class for student's that have the highest rank in the school,with the best facilities provide. 
(simple word: Elite class)

Room B:  class that with the students that also have a high rank but lower than "A" class,and have a little less facilities than class A

Room C: class with some smart student,and come with mid level facilities
Room D: class with the students that have a good score,but lower than "C" class

Room E: class that have the facility same as the normal public school

Room F: consist of idiot only,with the worst facilities (ex: they sit on the carpet with the broken small table)

The students can get other's class facilities by defeating them on the mid term demon battle

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